Get your Psychology Dossier reviewed by a retired Psychologist with a minimum of two terms of service in the SSB.

ssb psychology test
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Psychology is one of the three-technique used by the Service Selection Board(SSB) and Air Force Selection Board(AFSB) to check the suitability of candidates for the armed forces, and the other two are Interview and Group Tasks.

SSB Psychology test is based on scientific procedures of assessing the qualities of a candidate, at her/his non-conscious state of mind. and you probably already know as an aspirant that the SSB Psychology test includes TAT (Thematic Appreciation Test), WAT (Word Association Test), SRT (Situation Reaction Test), and SD (Self Description). To read in detail about all these tests you can refer to our blog section here.

1. What is the Mock SSB Psychology Test?

Now, the biggest problem any aspirant faces is where to get the Psychology test checked. Even the SSB Coaching Institutes are turning their blind eye towards Individual attention and personalized learning. So to solve this problem of defense aspirants we have come up with the Mock SSB Psychology test.

In the Mock Psychology Test candidate gets an option to choose the date and time of the test according to his/her convenience. Then his/her responses are checked by Ex- Psychologist and personally makes the phone call to the candidate to explain the area of improvement. The candidate does get his/her checked answer sheet to analyze it again because self-improvement is the best improvement. 

Benefits of enrolling in this program are:-

1. Get to know the mistakes you are making.
2. You can clear all your doubts when the psychologist makes a call to you.
3. Practice the SSB Psychology Test.
4. Individual attention and personalized learning.



How does it work?

2. Why Enroll in Mock SSB Psychology Test?

Efforts without direction lead us nowhere, in the same way, preparation without monitoring does no good to us. So, in order to keep a track of your preparation for all these tests, you can enroll in a mock SSB Psychology Test. The test series would include all the psychology tests that were taken in SSB/AFSB and in addition to that, you can also opt for a mock interview for better preparation.

The test would be held in online mode and be checked by an Ex-Psychologist who is experienced in this field.

mock SSB psychology test

1 Test
3 Test
1 Interview + 1 psychology Test



Learning can be fun if done under the right guidance, and CLEARSSBian learns from the rich experience of retired Services Selection Board (SSB) members.

ssb psychology test

A Brief Introduction of SSB Psychology Tests

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

TAT involves you writing 12 stories on pictures shown one after the other on the screen. You will get 30 seconds to view the picture and 04 minutes to write the story on each picture.

The 12th Picture is a blank screen and you have to write any story with your mind. Make sure you connect this story with a critical reflection from your own life or an achievement story that you have heard or read and that really touched your heart.

Word Association Test (WAT)

In the Word Association Test (WAT), 60 words will be shown, each for 15 sec and you are required to write the first thought that comes to your mind after reading that word.

Many candidates mistake this test for a sentence-making test, rather than a word association test and hence, falter in the very approach to this particular test.

Situation Reaction Test (SRT)

In Situation Reaction Test (SRT), candidates are expected to respond spontaneously to some stressful, unfamiliar, and real-life situations.

A total of 60 situations need to be addressed in 30 minutes, that is, 30 seconds per situation.

These are day-to-day situations that you may encounter in your daily life. These are given in the form of a booklet which you have to complete by giving appropriate response.

Self-Description (SD)

In the Self-Description (SD) the candidate is asked to write in his opinion what the following people think of him:

  1. Your parents.
  2. your teacher.
  3. your friends.
  4. you yourself.

To Read in detail about mentioned all the test visit our blog section. JAI HIND

asked questions

If you have any other questions than these FAQs, then feel free to Email or Whatsapp us. 

How does it work?

When you enroll, we will get back to you within 24 hours and schedule your exam date and time according to your comfort.

How I can choose the time of my mock test?

As mentioned above, within 24 hours of enrollment, you would receive a call from our side, and the time and date of your mock test would be finalized according to your comfort.

What is the refund policy?

Before giving an exam, your fees can be refunded, but only after deducting the bank's transaction fee. But if you have already given the exam no refund will be made. The refund process may take 1-2 weeks to complete.

How do I get my result?

Within two working days, you would get your result (your checked answer sheet) by e-mail or WhatsApp, and the Psychologist will call to explain the area of improvement.

How will this help in my preparation?

Getting the analysis of your tests by a professional psychologist would help you to understand the kind of practice needed when appearing for the actual SSB interview and increase your chances of getting selected.

