Army/ Navy/ Airforce Medical by Retired Armed force Doctors
Broadly selection procedure of armed forces can be divided into three stages- Written Exam, Interview, and Medical. Medical is the last stage and the one we don’t have much control over it. So failing in this stage really hurts because we have done our bit already, invested our hard work and emotions.
We at Alpha Regiment will never want this to happen with any defense aspirant. Therefore we came up with Army/ Navy/ Air Force Medical by Retired Armed force Doctors. Aspirants can get their medical checkups done either at least a month prior to medical So that they can work on the feedback given by the doctor and complete their medical treatment or after the medical if unfortunately they are found temporary unfit by the medical board.
We have tried to get the best of both the world, so if you want to harness the benefit of technology you can opt for the online consultant. But if you prefer reality over virtuality you can opt for offline consultation.
Disclaimer** 1. All the doctors working with us have hung up their boots so even if they find any aspirant fit doesn’t ensure positive results at the medical board. Medical Board has the final authority of taking any decision and that should be respected.
2. The fees we are charging is doctor’s one-time consultation fees and do not include any medical examination/test fee. But you can show your previous reports to the doctor.
1. How does it work?
When you click on the Get Appointment button our executive will fix your appointment with the doctor on your preferred date and time at your preferred location.
- can choose between general physician and specialist doctor.
- medical checkup in your city.
- checkup by army/navy/airforce retd doctors
- for more details check FAQ section
- can choose between general physician and specialist doctor.
- online medical checkup.
- checkup by army/navy/airforce retd doctors
- for more details check FAQ section
Now you can consult an army/air force/navy retired doctor, that too in your own city.

If you have any other questions than these FAQs, then feel free to Email or Whatsapp us.
1. How can we apply for this medical test?
2. Will you provide a medical certificate?
3. When is the appropriate time to get the medical done?
4. What is the refund policy?
5. What are the benefits of this medical test?
Sanjeev Kumar Tiwari
In previous attempts after being C/O,
it was really tough for me to find where I went wrong, so I decided to get my psychological assessment. I found “ClearSSB” as a platform to help me, after getting my psychological assessment done I found where I went really wrong in my previous attempts, as suggested by the mentor I corrected those mistakes and applied the same approach in my next SSB, & the result was positive this time.
Rushikesh Chavhan
Hello everyone I am Rushikesh Chavhan and I got Recommended by 20 SSB Bhopal. It was my third attempt. After getting Conference out and Screened out my friend who got recommended for AFA advised me to get a Psych Test assessment and told me about ClearSSB. The psych test was exactly the same as the real test and time-bound so it was impossible to cheat or give a fake response. The assessment of psych test sir gave me really helped me a lot in TAT, WAT & SRT. He explained my mistakes and corrected them. Because of his guidance, I was able to complete all 60 WAT & 55 SRTs.
I really want to convey my sincere gratitude to Ravindra Sir because of whom I am wearing this plus sign.
Anant Kumar
My name is Anant Kumar.
I was about to attend SSB for CDS OTA for which I wanted to go through a mock interview with an ex-assessor then I encountered with Alpha Regiment site, after surfing it thoroughly I booked my mock interview with Lieutenant general A.K Sehgal sir who was not only the director-general of air defense but also has been the president of Bhopal board, the interview was eye-opening for me, I got my biggest mistakes, it helped me eliminate all of it and made myself very confident.
This is the best site for mock interviews and other tests too… cheapest too…you must go…you’ll learn a lot.
Jai Hind
All the best 🇮🇳